Hi! I’m Dr. Randi Brown and I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to read my Blog!
I’ve worked for decades helping children and families with various academic-related issues, and in the end, it all boils down to this: children need to be taught to recognize what they know, what they DON’T know, how to use their time efficiently, and how to prepare for demonstrating what they know. So, in the coming months stop by often to read my thoughts on academic and parenting issues. Feel free to ask questions and/or suggest a topic you’d like my opinion on and I will do my best to provide you with the best knowledge I have on the subject. Just a little note about me – I am the parent of two grown children (early 20’s); one in graduate school and the other a senior in college. I have raised a boy and a girl, both in an intact family and then on my own as a single parent for the last 10 years. One child did not have any learning challenges and the other received special education through the 7 th grade and starting as early as 18 months for significant learning issues. Except for my two maternity leaves I have worked throughout their lives, thereby understanding first-hand how difficult it can be to juggle everyone’s schedules. I wanted to offer this little extra bit of information so you know that when I write about something, I am mindful of my audience (you, the parent or guardian) and what concerns you may have. I very much look forward to sharing what I know with you – Have a great day!