Crafting Strategies For Success! Watch Our Videos Middle School

High School

One on One Coaching

Our Services

WELCOME to Comprehensive Academic Coaching Solutions (CACS)! You’re in the RIGHT place to find the RIGHT resources to help your child organize themselves, their materials, manage their time, and learn helpful study strategies they can generalize to virtually any course or class they take in school.

At CACS, our mission is to provide your child with the right tools and coaching to become more efficient learners, and with our varied options available, we will help your child find the right “recipe” for success! We provide coaching for:

Time Management

Study Skills

Executive Functioning Challenges

Organizational strategies

My Story

Welcome! I am Dr. Randi Brown, owner and founder of Comprehensive Academic Coaching Solutions (CACS). I have over 33 years of experience working with children and their families in education ranging in age from the very young (under 5) to graduate school (over 21) as a School Psychologist/School Neuropsychologist. I earned my Doctorate in School Psychology from Yeshiva University in 1994 and then returned to school in 2016 to earn my Post-Doctoral certification in the area of School Neuropsychology, becoming a Diplomate of the American Board of School Neuropsychologists (ABSNP). I served as an Adjunct Professor for both undergraduate and graduate studies in the areas of psychology and education online for the University of Phoenix (UOP) and in person at the Graduate School of Education at Pace University in Pleasantville, New York. I have received recognition of my work both at the state level, being the recipient of the Frank Plumeau School Practitioner of the Year in 2005 from the New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP), and nationally by representing New York the same year for the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) School Psychologist of the Year award. I was profiled by my local ABC affiliate (WABC Eyewitness News in New York) for the High School groups I ran on Test Anxiety. I am published, having articles on various topics within the industry and in local newspapers, in addition to contributing to an article on helping children organize for Real Simple magazine. Lastly, I authored the guide “Recognizing and Treating Anxiety in Teens”, which is currently available for purchase on this site.    


Working in the field of school psychology for over 33 years has afforded me the unique insight into how educational trends and patterns have changed over time. The pressures our children face today are very different even from a few years ago, and what is expected of them as students hasn’t really caught up with these expectations. It has been my experience that formalized classes to teach important skills like time management, how to study and organizing themselves just don’t exist in the majority of elementary and secondary schools. Kids are just expected to just “know” how to do them, but in reality students need to be taught these skills.  Even those that are able to catch on quickly, having concrete tools to use certainly makes learning more efficient.


I have customized and created skills and routines for dozens and dozens of children, and when followed and coached with consistency, their school performances improved. I’ve been fortunate that several of the families I’ve worked with told their friends, and so on. Before I knew it, I was soon seeing children throughout the tri-state area (NY, NJ, and CT) and remotely to Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, and as far south as Florida.


Remote Workshops

Each 60-minute workshop, facilitated by Dr. Randi Brown, School Neuropsychologist and Parent Educator/Coach, will provide participants with concrete, effective strategies crafted for each topic discussed

With many students returning to in-person learning this fall, organizational skills are crucial for a seamless transition back to the classroom. CACS’s Organizational Skills Boot Camp offers informative and timely workshops on many of the skills students need for a smooth and successful transition back to school.

Interactive Sessions

In-person Available in Westchester and Putnam Counties in New York

Dr. Brown can work individually with your child in your home or mutually convenient location. Different from the larger learning centers, Dr. Brown will create a customized approach specific to your child based upon their own individual needs.

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In-Person One-to-one Student Coaching:

During these sessions, Dr. Brown will tailor study strategies and other organizational support based upon your child’s particular weaknesses that they can then apply to practically every subject taught. Test anxiety reduction is addressed and discussed in order to maximize performance. Study strategies tailored to his/her individual style of learning.

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In-Person One-to-one Parent Coaching:

Parents often want to know what they can do to help their children but don’t know what to do. Dr. Brown can help you set up specific routines and answer your questions to help better support your children.

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In-Person Small Group Coaching:

Similar in part to Individual Coaching, Small Group Coaching offers a more “tried and true” opportunity for participants to engage in dialogue in a safe space to learn from each other and Dr. Brown. Members will be able to share their own experiences of strategies that may or may not have worked for them while learning new ideas and approaches on various topics. Test anxiety, study strategies, and executive functioning skills will be addressed with takeaway tools to implement the very same day! This type of coaching is based upon available groups and candidates at the time of sign-up. Maximum group size of 6 to ensure individual assistance.


Group Discounts Available

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Student Maintenance:

A 15 minute follow up phone call once programs have ended, recommended for at least 3 months

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Online Individual Coaching: Student

4 – 55-minute sessions | Coaching sessions online will address the same content as that conducted in-person. Sessions can be either video or telephone calls and are often utilized in on-going session packages with Dr. Brown, particularly when in the maintenance phase.

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Online Individual Coaching: Parent

4 – 55-minute sessions | Coaching sessions online will address the same content as that conducted in-person. Sessions can be either video or telephone calls and are often utilized in on-going session packages with Dr. Brown, particularly when in the maintenance phase.


What population does CACS work with?

At CACS we work with students from Middle School through College, and if requested, beyond. We have extensive experience working with all different kinds of learners across the spectrum, from Honors students to those with educational challenges. Some of our clients may have difficulty with their grade-level curriculum or have learning styles consistent with diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and/or specific learning disabilities.

What areas do you focus on with your clients?

In the area of one-to-one coaching, Dr. Brown will create an individualized program depending upon the child’s needs. For example, some students might be able to organize pretty well but need help with study skills. Others might have the opposite issue or different variations of need altogether. In all, we will help pinpoint the child’s areas of strengths and weaknesses and tailor effective strategies to enhance their current academic experience.

How many sessions will my child need?

While it’s difficult to provide a “cookie cutter” response to this question, typically children and young adults require between 3-8 sessions of direct consult, again, depending upon their needs. Once completed, students are asked to then schedule follow up sessions as check-ins – to see what’s working and tweak what might not be.

How in particular would CACS work with College students?

“At CACS we welcome working with students of all ages attending college. Different from the secondary educational experience, the college student now has the responsibility of managing their entire academic career. We at CACS understand that just because a student enters college doesn’t mean they know how to effectively make this transition. What we can provide for the college student is a means of establishing weekly sessions to address current work load, keeping tabs on managing time, planning for assignments and the time to work on them, refreshing study skills, and be an “ear” for supporting students who need to have the additional guidance. Some students might require this level of support only freshman year, others might need it throughout their college career. In any case, we are here to support you in whatever way you need our assistance.

Is this type of coaching therapy?

NO – the products and services provided by CACS are NOT therapy nor are there any areas of the coaching relationship that will be used as a therapeutic tool. Coaching by CACS helps the student learn specific academic and organizational strategies they can apply to their education. Students are given encouragement and positive reinforcement to help keep them motivated to use the tools they will learn. If you feel your child needs something more than what’s described here and on our website, it might be helpful to explore those issues directly with an appropriate professional.