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Dr. Randi Brown is Certified New York State School Psychologist with almost 30 years of experience in the field helping children and families from the earliest ages through college. She earned her Doctorate in School Psychology from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University in 1994.

An award-winning professional, in 2005 Dr. Brown was the recipient of the Frank Plumeau School Practitioner of the Year Award from the New York Association for School Psychologists (NYASP) and in 2001 was profiled by her local ABC affiliate (WABC News, New York) for the groups she ran in High School on Test Anxiety. While most of her career thus far she has worked in public schools, Dr. Brown was an Adjunct Professor for both the University of Phoenix for 3 years teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Psychology, and the Graduate School of Education at Pace University in Pleasantville, New York, teaching an assessment course. Continually developing her skills set, Dr. Brown pursued certification as a Bully Prevention Specialist in 2014, and in 2015 she began a yearlong Post-Doctoral Certification in the area of School Neuropsychology and became a Diplomate of the American Board of School Neuropsychologists in 2016. Professionally, Dr. Brown has been a longstanding member of NYASP and National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). She has published articles on various topics within the industry, in local newspapers, and was a contributor to an article in Real Simple magazine. Further, she is the author of Recognizing and Treating Anxiety in Teens, currently available for purchase in our store